Conventional Gentian Roots Cut Small

Conventional Yellow Gentian Roots Cut Small

Source : France

Cut small through a second cutting process

Quality drying
Complying to European Pharmacopeia standards


Wholesale – Conventional Gentian Roots Cut Small

Racines de gentiane jaune coupée petits morceaux
Gentiana lutea radix cut small

Specifications of our Gentian Roots Cut Small

Our Conventional Gentian Roots Cut Small are dried and cleaned before cutting.

We collect French Conventional Yellow Gentian Roots – Gentiana lutea radix.
All our Gentian comes from the French Massif Central.
We export our production to the US and throughout the world.

We focus on quality. That’s why we dry roots quickly after harvest.
We clean all the roots manually and mechanically.
And we store the gentian roots in a dedicated warehouse.

Your specifications

Contact us tu let us know your roots.
Conventional gentian roots are one of the kinds of gentian roots that we offer.
We offer differents sorts of packaging.
We deliver worldwide from 10kg to various tons.

When you’ll have stated your specifications, we’ll  make yu an adapted quotation.

Do not hesitate to ask us for samples to assess the quality of our gentian roots.

Nota Bene : For private citizens

If you are a private citizen looking for small quantities of dried gentian roots, you’ll find them on  !